Welcome to my (infrequently updated) portfolio!

Angela Hopp
Yours truly.

I am senior leader at a scientific society outside of D.C. I lead a talented and hardworking team that advances the organization’s mission through digital, print, social and multimedia marketing and communications.

I started out as a news assistant at the Houston Chronicle in 1999. I became a copy editor at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette shortly after graduation in 2000. Then I returned to the Houston Chronicle, where I rose from a night news copy editor to the Sunday Page One editor. When I left the newspaper industry in 2007, I became a research communicator and then a media relations representative for the University of Houston.

In 2009, I joined the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, managing special writing and editing projects at the Journal of Biological Chemistry, serving as the chief communicator for society, and writing and editing for the nonprofit’s member magazine, ASBMB Today. In January 2012, I was named editor of the magazine. In 2015, I was named executive editor of the magazine and communications director of the society.

Since 2023, I’ve overseen a combined marketing and communications team. We produce campaigns and tell stories about the organization’s members, peer-reviewed journals, events and advocacy positions.

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